Shannon Michael wamser

Currently on Faculty at Molloy University/CAP 21 as Professor of Practice in Movement and Stage Combat. Back in New York City after 3.5 years in Los Angeles, and 14 years in New York City before that. A classically trained actor, skilled physical comedian as well as an accomplished actor/combatant, stage combat instructor, writer (stage and screen) and stage director, I hold a BA in acting/directing from DeSales University and an MFA from the Proffesional Actor Training Program at Ohio University/Cincinnati Playhouse on the Park.
Upcoming Project:
The Complete Works of Jane Austen, Abridged
Staged Reading: 9/14/2024
Part of JASNA "Everybody's Jane Austen" Conference:

Photo by Casey Kringlin Photography

Theatre Raleigh Raleigh, NC Fall, 2022

Playhouse on Park West Hartford, CT Fall, 2023

Orlando Shakespeare Theatre, 2013

Taken at the Big As Texas Film Festival, 2015

Orlando Shakespeare Theatre, 2010

Orlando Shakespeare Theatre, 2013

Arkansas Repertory Theatre, 2010

Playhouse on Park, 2012